Intensive Outpatient Counseling

Tackling the Issue

A structured after school program serving adolescents who are dealing with severe drug/alcohol, behavioral, or emotional issues.

  • Adolescents participate in daily intensive group therapy and weekly individual and family sessions. They also receive one or more urinalysis per week. The program is a minimum of 20 weeks depending on individual progress.
  • The program is a minimum of 20 weeks depending on individual progress.
  • Focus of treatment includes substance use, chemical education, anger management, healthy communication, social skills, academic performance, family relationships, and any other behavioral or emotional concerns affecting adolescents and their families.
  • The program also includes a weekly parent support group in which parents learn new ways to reduce family conflict, increase healthy communication, and develop effective discipline strategies.
  • The program fees are on a sliding scale based on family income.
  • Call 850-671-1920 for more information.

Outpatient Counseling

Doing What's Needed

Personalized individual or family therapy is available for concerns such as depression, anxiety disorders, self-harm, family conflict, adjustment, substance use, and other needs.

School Intervention and Prevention Program

Making a Difference

A school-based intervention program that provides assessment, intervention, chemical education, counseling, and community referrals for students having academic, social, or behavioral difficulties and who are using or at risk of using substances.

Victim Services

Making a Difference

A free school-based program for K-12 student victims of abuse, bullying, domestic violence, or other crimes.

  • The program provides early identification, intervention, counseling, and advocacy services to children and their families.
  • Counseling is provided at participating schools during the school day, or at the Turn About office.
  • Adult victims of violence or crime and family members may also qualify for free counseling services.
  • Call 850-671-1920 for more information.

School Suspension Assessment

Doing What's Needed

A free program through which students may reduce the length of their out of school suspension from 10-to-5 days for substance-related offenses with school administration's prior approval.

  • Students must attend the assessment with their parent or guardian.
  • See Substance Abuse Assessment for more information about the assessment process.
  • Once the first appointment has occurred, the school will be notified and the suspension reduced.
  • Call 850-671-1920 for more information.
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